SVM - Social Vibes Media
SVM stands for Social Vibes Media
Here you will find, what does SVM stand for in Firm under Media category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Social Vibes Media? Social Vibes Media can be abbreviated as SVM What does SVM stand for? SVM stands for Social Vibes Media. What does Social Vibes Media mean?Social Vibes Media is an expansion of SVM
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Alternative definitions of SVM
- Support Vector Machines
- School of Veterinary Medicine
- ServiceMaster Company
- Service Module
- Smart Volume Management
- Silicon Valley Microelectronics, Inc.
- Secure Visitor Management
- Stamp Vending Machine
View 50 other definitions of SVM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SDG School District of Gilman
- SFP Spotted Frog Productions
- SHS Seven Hills Skydivers
- SVA Singapore Veterinary Association
- SEC Summerhouse English Center
- SSHH Serenity Services Home Healthcare
- SYFC Stein Your Florist Co.
- SCA Sparkling Clean Agency
- SSC Salem Stone Corp
- SNSF See a New Sun Foundation
- STF Shapes Total Fitness
- SCCI Swedish Chamber of Commerce India
- SRHC Station Road Home Collections
- SVPSGL SVP Systems Group LLC
- SPSCL The Spit Polish Shoeshine Company Ltd
- SML Stella Mccartney Ltd